Sunday, December 18, 2016

History of Rock Assignment 12/19

Hello, Rockers:

Here is your assignment for today.  CLICK HERE for the link to the assignment.   Please save a copy of the assignment to your google drive account.   Make a copy in your name, and share it with me.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Cassette - Performance Based Assessment

What's up, Rockers?

Here is your assignment for today.

Your mission is as follows:

1.  Review the material from our unit on the cassette...

2.  Based on the material, and what we've discussed in class, create a ONE-PAGE response to the following questions...

1. Overall, how did the cassette tape change the way people interact with music?
2.  In what ways do you think some of the new ways of interacting the music enabled by the cassette are reflected in how you listen to music, today?

DUE: BEOP 12/14/16.  

Your essay must be one handwritten page!  

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Making a Mixtape - Project Based Assessment

Essential Question:

How did the cassette tape change the audience’s experience by allowing the listener to record, compile and disseminate music?

You are tasked with compiling a mix tape following these steps:

1. Decide who the tape is for. It should be for someone who means a lot to you. A friend? A family member? A love interest?:
2. Decide the emotion you’d like to convey with this tape. Is it a party tape? A dark, brooding tape? Does it convey love, longing or loss?
3. Does this tape have a theme? Songs that start with “Z”? Songs about food? “My favorite ‘80s jams”?
4. Decide where this tape will be played most often. Privately or publically? In a bedroom or a living room or a car? Somewhere else?
5. Brainstorm eight to ten songs that will fit on your tape (remember, you’ll break them up across two sides). Write the songs on a separate piece of paper.
6. Take all of the information from steps 1-5 and create a blank cassette J-Card.  Remember, be colorful, and add artwork and personality; the look is important, especially if you’re trying to impress someone

You can click here for a J-Card to print.   You may also print the handout from class, and cut out the card.   Maybe your parents have some old ones laying around that you could use.

Once you complete the j-card, you will complete a one-page reflection, in which you discuss the answers to the questions above, as well as the reasons behind each of the songs chosen for your particular mixtape.

Here is the rubric, upon which your work will be evaluated.  Please print the rubric, and include it with your work.  

Due Date:  December 19.  

Work hard.  Be creative.  Have fun.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Sun King: Sam Phillips

Read, "The Sun King" , the story of Sam Phillips.  Here is a link to the article in Google Docs.  You can make a copy to your drive, to make it easier to annotate.

After reading the article...Create a one page reflection paper that discusses

  • Who Sam Phillips was 
  • His accomplishments at Sun Records 
  • What made Sun Records important 
  • Why Phillips was in a position to discover Elvis Presley
Due Date: Monday December 5, 2016.   

Please attach the following rubric to your essay